learning through play at BSB

The joy and wonder of Early Learning at BSB

Unlocking your child's potential

At BSB, our commitment to nurturing young minds is woven into the fabric of our Early Learning provision. We understand that the Early Years journey from ages 1 to 5 is a critical period marked by significant developmental milestones, and it is our mission to ensure that every child thrives during these formative years.

Central to our approach is the belief that learning should be a source of wonder and joy. While we acknowledge that challenges may arise, we see them as opportunities for growth and discovery. Our dedicated Early Years Practitioners meticulously plan an enabling environment with rich experiences designed to ignite curiosity and foster engagement. Through a diverse array of tools, including visits from experts, immersive outdoor activities, and captivating stories, we aim to inspire a lifelong love of learning in every child.

Empowering children to find their voice lies at the heart of our philosophy. We strive to instil in each student a sense of confidence and purpose, laying the groundwork for them to make meaningful contributions to their communities, both locally and globally. Recognising the unique needs of every child, our team is committed to providing careful interactions that put the unique child at the centre.  They expertly use informed knowledge of child development that then supports how to build upon children’s interests, development and learning and planning for next steps. This process involves the child and of course parents/ carers as partners. From language learning to social and emotional development, we offer a range of resources and dedicated staff members to ensure that every child receives the guidance they require.

“At the heart beat of our curriculum across the Early Years are the ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’,” said  Esther O’Connor, Team Leader Primary. “We promote positive dispositions by providing living experiences of making choices, innovating, taking responsibility, facing challenge, thinking flexibly and critically, and learning how to learn so that each unique child will be able to respond to their unfolding future.”

“We believe children need the time and space to revisit and reflect upon their experiences,” she added. “The indoor and outdoor environments enriches the ways of thinking, being and understanding. Skills are learned in the process of meaning making, providing a holistic approach to learning. It is an incredible privilege observing our wonderful young learners develop into experts and critical thinkers daily.”


The Early Years Curriculum at BSB is carefully crafted to harness the power of free-flow exploration. This allows children to delve deeply into their interests while making remarkable progress along the way. Grounded in the latest research on early childhood development, our curriculum creates an environment where children learn independently with the guidance of expert educators. We promote positive dispositions by providing living experiences of making choices This involves innovating, taking responsibility, facing challenge, thinking flexibly and critically, and learning how to learn so that they will be able to respond to their unfolding future. There are three aspects; ‘Playing and exploring’ Active Learning’ and Thinking Creatively and Critically’. We recognise each child’s own unique pathway of development and learning, this involves many elements woven together in a holistic form.

Our enabling environment is designed to stimulate curiosity and creativity, with materials and spaces carefully curated to reflect the diverse interests and needs of our learners. Whether through structured inquiries or spontaneous discoveries, children are encouraged to engage with the world around them in meaningful ways.

A journey of inquiry-led discovery

Aligned with the broader primary school curriculum, our Kindergarten and Reception classes embark on a journey of inquiry-led discovery. Through playful exploration and guided questioning, children develop a deeper understanding of the world and their place within it. Our focus on well-being ensures that children not only thrive academically but also socially and emotionally, laying a strong foundation for future success.

Outdoor learning is an integral component of our Early Years provision, offering children the opportunity to connect with nature and unleash their innate sense of curiosity. From muddy adventures to scientific explorations, the great outdoors serves as a rich learning environment where children can truly thrive.


At BSB, we are committed to fostering a love of learning that transcends boundaries, nurturing curious minds and empowering young learners to reach their full potential. Through our holistic approach to Early Learning, we aim to inspire a lifelong journey of discovery, growth, and achievement.

Read more about our Early Years provision and all about our Primary Curriculum here.

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