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Key stage 1 (ages 5-7)

Children’s days are rich and varied, with joy and wonder placed at the very centre of our curriculum. A nurturing environment and carefully planned learning allows all our children to thrive.

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In Key Stage 1, students experience an inquiry-based curriculum, wonderful teaching and powerful, and enriching learning opportunities. Our practice builds from the excellent foundations of Early Years, balancing a play-based approach with the demands of the English National Curriculum so that children are prepared for their transition to Upper Primary.

Areas of learning

In Key Stage 1, we believe that good practice builds on excellent foundations from Early Years. We balance a joyful, play-based approach with the demands of the English National Curriculum so that children are well prepared for the transition to Upper Primary (KS2).

Our practice builds on the strong groundwork laid in Early Years education, serving as a natural extension of the Foundation Stage. We blend this play-based approach with the essential components of the English National Curriculum, ensuring children are equipped for Upper Primary. Our practitioners excel in welcoming and supporting learners who are new to the UK National Curriculum.

Each year group from Y1 to Y6 has a bilingual class taught by both English and French specialists. English lessons are led by the English specialist, while Units of Discovery and French lessons are conducted by the French specialist.  Children in bilingual classes, like other classes, also receive specialist lessons.

Both Lower and Upper primary follow the White Rose Maths scheme, designed as a mastery model to sequence mathematical concepts and understanding. In Lower Primary, this sequenced provision is enhanced by interactive, playful investigation, allowing children to embed key concepts and maintain enjoyment of Maths.

Units of Discovery aim to create a sense of wonder while developing independent research and inquiry skills. They cover subjects such as Science, Art, History, Design Technology, and Geography, with elements of Computing, PHSE, and English supporting the learning. These units follow the English National Curriculum and include elements of PHSE education. Additionally, they encourage questioning, critical thinking, and active citizenship, with an emphasis on community links and real-world applications.

A Typical Day


Unlocking the magic of language

Our book-based approach to teaching English immerses our young learners in high quality literature and helps to foster a love of reading and language. Alongside these approaches, children have daily synthetic phonics learning. 

Primary maths - British primary school brussels

Learning maths through talk, discovery, and play

A clear mathematics programme of study supports children to learn through talk, discovery and play as they build their understanding of mathematics.  


Exploring our world and taking action for change

Children investigate multi-disciplinary inquiry questions to learn about concepts in Science, Geography, History, Art and Design Technology and are encouraged to take action to make a difference. For example, talking to experts to understand more about endangered species in the rainforest.


Unleashing creativity and innovation

Continuous learning provision enables children to play, explore, create and innovate their learning through guided choices. This approach provides opportunities for the children to embed their skills and knowledge. 


Powerful play

Play is essential for children’s social, physical, emotional and cognitive development. Every day the children have plenty of time to relax and have fun with their friends in the Tintin Playground and the Wild Garden. 


Specialist lessons for exciting learning adventures

Children in Key Stage 1 benefit from from specialist teachers in French, Music, PE, Library and Learning Without Walls, with these lessons spread across the week. 

How we teach

How we teach

Exploring visual literacy

In English class, children are encouraged to share their ideas, for example discussing illustrations from a text and exploring what they can understand and infer from them.

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Encouraging shared ideas, embedding learning

Continuous learning provision enables children to play, explore, create and innovate by making guided choices about their learning. This approach provides opportunities for the children to embed their skills and knowledge. For example, after hearing a story about a toy mender fixing various types of broken toys in the Year 1 production, a child decided to create a repair shop complete with a versatile repair vehicle and electronics workshop.

Unlocking mathematical understanding

A clear programme of study for mathematics supports children to learn through talk, discovery and play as they build their understanding of mathematics.  

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A playful approach to learning

Children participate in lots of practical maths, where working with real-life objects, talk and discovery help to build their understanding within a clear progression framework.  Both Lower and Upper primary classes follow the White Rose Maths scheme, a mastery model designed to sequence mathematical concepts. In Lower Primary, this is complemented by playful investigation inspired by Dr Helen Williams' Playful Mathematics. This approach ensures children grasp key concepts while enjoying maths.

Learning to make a difference

Children investigate multi-disciplinary inquiry questions to learn about concepts in Science, Geography, History, Art and Design Technology and are encouraged to take action to make a difference. 

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Units of Discovery

Units of Discovery foster children's wonder and hone their research and inquiry skills across subjects like Science, Art, History, Design Technology, and Geography, supplemented by Computing, PHSE, and English. Each unit revolves around a central inquiry question, ensuring thorough exploration while maintaining subject-specific depth. Aligned with the English National Curriculum, our approach transcends national standards, empowering children to engage with global issues and take meaningful action. Emphasising community involvement, our units incorporate real-world connections through trips, guest speakers, and service projects. Through thematic links and overarching concepts, children develop critical thinking and creativity, recognising patterns and making connections across diverse topics.

Growing through play

Play is essential for children’s holistic development, nurturing their social, physical, emotional, and cognitive growth. Each day, ample opportunities are provided for our children to unwind and have fun with their friends.

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Learning through play

At BSB, we recognise the importance of play. Play is vital for children's development, encompassing social, physical, emotional, and cognitive growth. In the Tintin Playground and Wild Garden, children enjoy ample time for fun and relaxation with friends. Here, they engage in physical play, fostering coordination and adventure, while also building social skills through cooperative activities. Emotional expression and cognitive development are also nurtured, as children explore, create, and problem-solve in these dynamic environments. Overall, these spaces provide essential opportunities for holistic development, ensuring children grow into well-rounded individuals.

Welcome to Lower Primary

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